60 Feet Road ,Jawahar Colony ,Faridabad,Haryana-121005 Contact No-9250737444

School is the light house of society. Every child is potentially the light of the world.
We aim at transforming the child into an efficient, responsible and disciplined citizen of India. The school pledges itself not only to realize these aims but also to provide all physical comforts to the children. To bring about an all round, balanced and harmonious development of the child’s personality, through quality education and co-curricular activities. To impart value oriented education. To promote and develop communal harmony, amity, national integration, sense of unity and a sense of Indianness among the children.

A man is judged by his deeds. If noble, he is rewarded in return-by God himself.“This was a source of inspiration for the founder & Chairman Late Shri Daljeet Singh Sindhu putting his, dreams to reality by laying foundation stone of Senior Shree Ram Model School. The school is striving to fulfill many different needs and the ultimate challenge is that everything must be done well. Senior Shree Ram Model School is committed to address the needs with immense expertise and infrastructure in pollution free environment.We struggle with the complexities and avoid simplicities.

The students of today are the teachers of tomorrow. The father, the mother and the teacher are the three, primarily responsible for moulding the future of a country. Character is the most precious gift of education. Education must promote peace, security and happiness. An institution which does not confer the knowledge of the Spiritual Reality to the students who are engaged in the pursuit of various material studies, is as barren as a sky without the moon, or a heart without peace or a nation without reverence for law. Real education should enable one to utilize the knowledge one has acquired to meet the challenges of life and to make human beings happy as far as possible.
Our Vision
To attune whole Faridabad schools with divine.
Our Mission
To impart wordly knowledge and spiritual knowledge.